Deming Luna County Economic Development is committed to creating opportunities in our community through various initiatives and programs that highlight and support our existing industries of manufacturing, agriculture, processing, and construction.
DIG DAY DEMING is about bringing hands-on industry experience to our youth and connecting business-community. We will be hosting this community event on Thursday, May 1, 2025 at City Hall (1275 E. Pine Street) from 10 am - 2 pm and we are calling on our local employers involved in the building process (contractors, utility services, engineers, etc.) to join us for our first event.
Please take a few moments to share how you would like to participate!
Thursday, May 1, 2025
1275 E. Pine Street
Deming, NM 88030
10 am - 2 PM
Deming Luna County Economic Development and the City of Deming are excited to collaborate with trusted partners that have resources for small business in Deming and Luna County. Women’s Economic Self-Sufficiency Team (WESST) and New Mexico Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) are great resources that offer a plethora of business support, resources, and even funding opportunities.
The Boost Your Business program is a series of virtual hour-long workshops, webinars, and group sessions that offer small businesses the opportunity to learn, network, and grow their businesses. The series intends to:
• Connect local businesses to entities with resources;
• Give local businesses a voice;
• Support local industries in growth;
• Give local business the opportunity to learn new skills;
• Leverage existing programs and partners.
If you are interested in participating in an Own Your Future event - send us an email!
Background and Big Picture
The City of Deming and Deming Luna County Economic Development are working on a West Side Revitalization Project that will include a business incubator. We realize that the project timeline doesn’t help businesses that need incubation NOW! With some help from our team, we came up with the LOCO for LOCAL initiative to show appreciation for all of our local entrepreneurs.
So what is the initiative?
Loco for Local is a fresh spin on the average shop local campaigns and is intended to:
Loco for Local is intended to be mutually beneficial to host businesses that are trying to engage the community more, and pop-up businesses that don’t have a physical storefront yet.
How do I participate?
-Program Champion
What’s the Benefit to me (BUSINESS HOST)?
What’s the Benefit to me (POP UP BUSINESS)
The 2025 event planning is underway! More information will be coming soon!
What is the program?
The Deming Police Department Explorer program is designed to provide hands-on, real-world experience to young men and women interested in law enforcement. Our curriculum is designed to complement classroom studies and enables explorers to develop marketable leadership skills in any profession.
The program is intended to:
The Program is built upon each year. Returning Explorers have the opportunity to ascend in ranks and participate in more in-depth scenarios with law enforcement.
Topics of Instruction
Explorers accepted to the program will have the opportunity to gain a better understanding of what it takes to be in law enforcement. Each Explorer will be introduced to different roles and departments of law enforcement, as well as learn some of the most important skill-sets of police officers.
Expectations of Explorer
A legal parent or guardian must complete the application in its entirety by the deadline of January 10, 2025.
Upon acceptance to the program, each Explorer is expected to participate to the fullest extent in all training exercises and activities. The Explorer will be responsible for maintaining equipment and gear provided and will be responsible for replacing uniform and/or equipment if damaged in the event of misuse. Each Explorer is expected to be respectful, law abiding citizens while representing the Explorer Program. The Explorer is also expected to maintain a 2.0 grade point average.
Each Explorer will receive the following upon acceptance to the program:
**Explorers are responsible for purchasing their own duty boots / PT shoes and BDU Pants. If assistance is needed, please speak with your SRO.
Program Requirements
There are limited seats available in the Deming Police Department Explorer Program. In order to be eligible, the following criteria must be met:
Explorer Schedule
A detailed schedule of events will be given to Explorers upon acceptance to the Program.
2025 Program Dates/Times (subject to change)
June 3, 2025 - July 4, 2025 (Every Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday during that time-frame) 8 AM - 1 PM with lunch provided.
The current program year is not accepting any new applications.
This 1 week camp is Entrepreneurial, and STEM based as students will build a simple prototype, identify their target market, research price structures, and identify their promotional and distribution channels. Students have fun creating their own business logos and we can create digital business cards with their logos to show or print out for the competition. Then at the end of the camp, the students will pitch their idea to judges or have a sale day!
Thanks to sponsorship of The City of Deming and Capital Power!
The current program year will be opening registration soon!
June 2-6, 2025
1275 E. Pine Street, Deming, NM
9 am - 12 pm
Project SEARCH is a one year immersive internship experience which prepares young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities for success in competitive, integrated employment. The City of Deming is the host employer for this national program.
This video gives the information on participating in the local Project Search Program Year. You can email for more information!
This immersive learning and job training experience is an inclusive opportunity for participants!
DLCED does one fundraiser a year which is our Annual Golf Tournament. This year will be our 11th year!
Save the Date!
October 11, 2025
Rio Mimbres Country Club
Deming, NM 88030
2-Person Scramble (flighted with couples option)
$150 / team
This event puts a spin on traditional job fairs. The event offers a chance for employers in the featured industry to showcase their company and open employment positions in a panel-style presentation.
Job seeker training / certification resources will also be available in a booth-style set up to help connect the skills gap for job seekers to be employable in the industry!
Save the Date!
Tea with Local Industry - Featuring Contractors and Construction
May 21, 2025
We are excited to work with the local Skate Committee and Luna County on this event during the annual Great American Duck Races!
We look forward to the 2025 Event!
Event details coming soon!
Follow our Facebook page during the month of April to catch FDIC & Money Smart Week resources for financial education!
The City of Deming received a New Mexico Tourism Department Clean & Beautiful Grant that was put to work in one of our favorite outdoor spaces! Our hard-working youth groups contributed to:
Thank you to NMTD & the City of Deming, Deming Mayhem, Deming JROTC, and Deming PD Explorers!
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