Safety, Laws, and where to ride!
Purchase a paved road use decal or plate from the MVD.
Find out when and where to take NMDGF safety classes!
Luna County Sheriff Department has certified instructors for the Department of Game & Fish curriculum.
To find out when the next available course will be, you can email
Much of New Mexico’s public land is managed for multiple uses, including off-highway vehicle recreation. When done safely, responsibly and in the right place(s), OHVs can be an appropriate way to enjoy our beautiful backcountry. Thanks to the Off-Highway Vehicle Act, the state has the resources to manage OHV use. The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish encourages responsible recreational use of our public lands to:
• Leave the land healthy and unspoiled.
• Protect our traditions, customs and culture.
• Preserve wildlife and habitat
• Allow the continued enjoyment of these lands by our families and for future generations.
Please be considerate and respect other users of our lands, including ranchers and livestock, private landowners, wildlife, equestrians, hikers and mountain bikers. For more information about treating public lands respectfully, visit Tread Lightly! online: